Hi, I'm Ekram, and I am storyteller.
Obviously I'm not a web designer though! Thank you for visiting. I am also a father of young children. As my kids have grown older I have struggled to explain my Pagan beliefs to them, so I have written stories to help. I am sharing these stories in print and on Kindle so that other parents might find some support in their talks with their own Tiny Pagans. Collectively I am calling this series "The Magick Inside Us."
You can support the project by purchasing one or both books in print or electronically through Amazon, and they are part of the Kindle Unlimited program as well. If you like them, please pass the word along to others who may find them helpful.
The Magick Inside You is about a little boy named Aiden, who has a new school, a new town, and a heavy heart until his mother helps him understand how we are all connected through the Goddess. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope it helps in passing on your beliefs and understanding of how the world and its magick works.
The Wheel of Life is book two in the series, where Aiden now has a little sister named Ember but has recently lost his grandfather. Aiden's mother helps him understand the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, and how the Wheel of the Year can help us understand our own journey. Birth, death, and rebirth are particularly hard topics to discuss, but so important for all of us to grapple with - including your tiny Pagans. I hope this story can serve as a starting point